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Stephanie Hirsh


Stephanie Hirsh

Executive Director

“Without my coach, I doubt I would have accomplished many of my most significant achievements this year.”


With my coach, I’m able to talk about my ideas, get straight opinions, get observations about what I say and do, and receive non-judgmental feedback. I’m a person that is accustomed to being able to talk about ideas, and I’ve learned in my leadership position that people assume my ideas might become new projects, new actions, whereas I just wanted to be able to talk about them.

My coach is someone with whom I celebrate my successes and, once in a while, I'm able to gripe. My coach provides me with all these things and more. Without my coach I doubt I would have accomplished many of my most significant achievements this year.

I attribute my relationship with my coach to my success in establishing new business practice protocols, having tough conversations with staff, negotiating several inner-office conflicts to peaceful resolution, establishing procedures for assessing employee progress, and determining alternative strategies for promoting and demonstrating the impact of our non-profit work.

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